Introducing the June Bride...

Don't let the title trick you - I am NOT getting married soon! But with lots of friends and acquaintances tying the knot, I can't get my friends off of my back who are probably more excited that I get hitched than I do. Don't get me wrong - I love the boyfie but I am having so much fun living the single life that I don't think I'm ready to give it up just yet. Yet is the operative word there.

Anyhow, this post isn't about me, but rather my weird obsession for wedding dresses. I find myself browsing wedding dresses more than I need to. I even have a board-full of dress ideas on my Pinterest account. I'm wondering if this is an unhealthy obsession? But I bet you can't help it, too, if it's as cute as the ones I spotted at PersunMall's website, of which I was just recently introduced to when their marketing manager wrote me an email for a blog collaboration. I mean, I felt my jaws drop looking at these pretty dresses. Wouldn't you?

They have tons of choices on the website based on your kind of wedding dress, as well as other selections such as sexy prom dresses 2013, but I just picked out my personal faves. Which dress is your favorite?

Here is one wedding and dress store. I believe you will love it. Mermaid Prom Dresses


  1. I could look at wedding dresses all day long! I don't know what it is. Thanks for linking up friend, xoxo

    1. I could totally look at wedding dresses all day too!!!


  2. I love looking at wedding dresses... it's my favorite part about a wedding! ;)
    Thanks for linking this up for Passion For Fashion!

  3. Love wedding dresses! The top left is especially pretty. Thanks for stopping by my blog!


  4. Girl, I could browse wedding dresses allllll day, and I'm nowhere near being engaged :) Found you from the GFC Collective! I'd love for you to drop by my blog if you get the chance. Have a fabulous week!

    Diary of a Debutante

  5. I die for lace dresses! My dream for sure :)

  6. Cute picks! I like the second dress the best. :-) Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    Who is that girl Mo?

  7. Sigh....! They are all pretty..

    Mrs Jack Of All Trades
    Dubai, UAE


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