Blogger 101: How to Use Social Media


Any fashion blogger would tell you that your blog would be basically non-existent if you do not know how to utilize the power of social media. In this day and age, social media is utilized for a number of reasons - getting connected with your loved ones and sharing common interests. Thus, you can leverage these tools to let more people know about your blog. In fact, the top fashion bloggers in the world have built up a huge following on their blog by staying active on social media. You can therefore take these cues to promote your own blog and tap into that connection.

However, your social media accounts are only as powerful as you take advantage of them. Make sure you know how to promote your blog through social media: 

Build Your Profile

I've been to a lot of Twitter accounts or other similar social media accounts wherein the profile is left empty. I believe this is one of the major no-nos to social media marketing, especially if you want to leverage traffic. Make sure you provide basic information about yourself and provide a link to your blog on your profile. This is also an essential step in branding yourself, alongside your blog. No need to recreate your About Us page here. A brief and concise description about you or your blog will do.

Update Often

Another important tip to remember if you want to use social media for blog promotion - update often. How do you suppose your followers/friends know you updated your site with a new post if you do not share it? Even if you're not sharing links to your blog, update your page often. Build connections with fellow bloggers, readers and brands. Socialize! Interact!

Automate Content Sharing

There are websites like Networked Blogs that allow you to syndicate new content on your blog so they will automatically update your profile. Social media marketing could easily drain up your time. Hence, automating some aspects of your promotion will save you a great deal of time.
Source (sic - Audience)

Add Social Buttons

While you're promoting your blog on your social media profiles, you should also do the same on your blog. Add social media buttons on your website so it is easier for readers to know where to find you on social media.

Monitor Your Traffic

It is important to trace back which of your social media sites are generating the most traffic to your website/blog. This will enable you to focus your time and effort on social media sites that bring most traffic. 

Use Hashtags

Remember when hashtags were unique to Twitter only? Today, things are far different. Almost every social media site has their own hashtag algorithm. Take advantage of it! Most importantly, do a research on the top hashtags for your industry so you can maximize them for following or interaction.

How do you use social media to promote your blog?



  1. Great advice!


  2. Great post! Social media is such an important part of blogging and it is great to read tips from fellow bloggers!

  3. I love using Twitter and Instagram, especially Instagram. I hate how frustrating it is trying to gain followers and likes, but it is fun! Great tips, thanks!

  4. Great post! I'm trying to improve my Instagram account and it's hard, but it's totally worth it.
    Obsessed Fashion Blog

  5. Great tips!

  6. Social Media is indeed so essential for promoting a blog! Thanks for sharing these tips!


  7. These are such great tips for social media. Thanks for linking up on petiteMODERN.
    x, Jordan Taylor

  8. Great tips!!! Thanks. Xoxo
    Check out my new post

  9. What a great idea for a post! These are some really good tips that I try to keep in mind as a new blogger. Thanks for sharing!
    xo Kiki

  10. Perfect advice! Social media icons on your blog is a great way to have it all there! Thanks so much for stopping by the blog, followed you on bloglovin :)

  11. These are some great tips! Social media marketing can definitely be tricky and there is very much a science to it if you want to optimize your marketing strategies. (This is actually stuff I am doing through my job and I still have so much to learn as I go!) I love Hootsuite, but I really dislike the fact that I have to pay for it in order to get all of my boss' clients on my dashboard.

    High Heels & Happy Feels

  12. Great tips! I definitely need to automate content sharing. I didn't know that was possible. Thanks for the tip, social media is definitely draining my time
    Dresses & Denim

  13. Thanks so much Abby! I needed this information. I am still getting the hang of managing social media and learning everyday. Like you said, It is time consuming but necessary if we want to promote a blog/business. Will take a look at Networked blogs. Thanks for sharing! XOXO, Jeannette

  14. Fantastic advice! I'm using social media all the time :D

    I hope that you visit my blog too and maybe follow: SPIKED-SOUL.BLOGSPOT.COM :)
    Have a nice day!

  15. thanks for sharing your tips & Tricks with us!
    Your blog looks so lovely as well :)
    xx julia

  16. Great post Abby! Very clear and easy to understand.
    Keep in touch dear!

  17. This post was extremely helpful, Abby! Thanks for sharing.

  18. Lots of great tips, and so very helpful!

  19. Great tips! I'm fairly new to blogging so I love reading posts like this. I have so much to learn and found this helpful!

    Lisa @ Fun Money Finds


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