December Remix {Rose Pink Skirt}

A lot of women might cringe at the thought of wearing pink. I am shamelessly different. I tried to avoid it when I can. But the hue is so right up my style - feminine and delicate. When I saw this pink bandage skirt on the rack, I instantly fell in love because I know that there are several pieces in my closet that I can pair it with.


I do like to go over-the-top with the feminine details in my outfit. Pink and floral is a good combo that works for me every single time. That.. or I was experimenting with my closet again. This top has not been worn for months! I told you, I really should be doing some more digging on my closet. There is a gold mine there when it comes to trying out different combinations on new and/or old pieces of clothes. I do have a rep for that (as you can see here, here and here).

How do you revamp your favorite pieces in the closet?


  1. I think you look marvelous in pink! Thanks for linking up with Stylish Tuesday!

    xo, Paige

  2. Love that pink skirt! Pretty top, too!


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